Online registration for 2025/2026 Preschool will open to Haysboro Residents as of 9:00AM March 8, 2024. 

Please note that you must have a valid Haysboro Household or Associate Membership to Register.

To obtain a new membership click here.

Quality, Affordable Preschool right in your community!

Haysboro Preschool is an affordable community preschool program for three and four-year-olds run by university educated teachers.

Parent involvement is an essential component of our preschool program and regular volunteering during preschool is required to keep tuition low. Parents and all volunteers are required to have a Police Vulnerable Persons check.

Daily outdoor time is also an integral part of our program.

We provide a safe learning environment for three and four-year-olds to practice appropriate social, emotional, motor, language and intellectual skills through consistent activities. We partner with LEAD to provide early intervention services for children who may benefit from services like speech/language or occupational therapy (fine motor skills). 

A typical class would involve circle time, singing and dancing, free play, craft, clean up, snack time, and outdoor time.  

Students receive a VIP day on a rotational basis.  On their VIP day the child brings a show and tell and a parent (or other adult caregiver) to be the classroom volunteer for that day. 

There is a maximum of 15 children per class


For more details about the program,please contact us:

Haysboro Community Hall: (403) 253-1563

General Questions E-mail:

Registration Questions E-mail:

Haysboro Community Association

1204 89th Avenue SW.   Calgary, AB. T2V 0W4.



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