B Pincott: Southwest Transitway Bus-Rapid-Transit (BRT) Project

Monday, November 09, 2015 3:43 PM | Haysboro Office (Administrator)

Dear Haysboro


I wanted to update everyone on the Southwest Transitway Bus-Rapid-Transit (BRT) project, which looks like it is finally moving forward.


In 2010, the City held a series of public engagement sessions to gather citizen input on this proposed southwest BRT system. The transition from regular bus service to BRT service takes place when a number of conditions exist including: high ridership; supportive travel patterns (common origins/destinations on major travel corridors); supportive land use; and the need to move citizens quickly and more reliably than regular bus service can accommodate. A functional planning study was commissioned, and approved by Council in 2011.


Council directed administration to apply for dedicated funding for this project under the Government of Alberta’s GreenTRIP program. This September 2015, funds were granted by the provincial government for this important traffic-reducing BRT line. The City held two information sessions on the SW Transitway (called a Transitway to distinguish it from existing BRT’s) and the SW Ring Road on October 27th and October 29th. Unfortunately, the announcement of receiving this GreenTRIP funding arrived after the deadline for community newsletter submissions, but the Transportation Department did communicate the information sessions to the Community Associations and by placing neon bold signs in the affected communities.


The bus stops largely overlap with pre-existing transit stops, especially from downtown to 14th Street SW and 75th Avenue SW. New stops will be introduced on 14th Street, which will align with major activity centres of Heritage Park, the Rockyview Hospital, and Glenmore Landing.


Transitway lanes will be either added or dedicated to bus use only, as the goal of the project is to ensure a reliable travel time for communities south of the Glenmore Reservoir similar to what would be experienced on an LRT. In conjunction with the construction of the bus lanes on the west side of 14th Street, the Transportation Department is crafting options to streamline the flow of traffic along this corridor.


I recognize that traffic volumes have been a serious issue in this corridor for years. Implementing a transitway allows the City of Calgary to effectively provide citizens with more options for getting around the city and getting cars off the road. This new transitway will help to relieve congestion, and connect all of you to major destinations in southwest Calgary and downtown.

Construction is expected to begin in 2016, and completion is currently targeted for the end of 2018. As with all major projects, short-term inconveniences due to construction will occur. Transportation will be working on construction staging and traffic management plans to minimize impacts as much as possible.


For maps and other detailed information, please visit www.calgary.ca/swtransitway.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Please sign up to receive communications regarding this and other ward updates at www.ward11calgary.ca, or by emailing my office at ward11@calgary.ca. Feel free to connect with me on Twitter @bpincott, or on Facebook at Brian Pincott, Councillor Ward 11.


Brian Pincott
Councillor, Ward 11
The City of Calgary
403-268-5056 (Office)
403-268-8091 (Fax)
Mail Code: 8001A


To sign up for regular updates from the Ward 11 office regarding city related issues and community events, please visit the Ward 11 website.

Haysboro Community Association

1204 89th Avenue SW.   Calgary, AB. T2V 0W4.

 403-253-1563.  Info@haysboro.org


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