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Provide feedback on the Land Use Bylaw wording for sports ramps
In June 2015, City Council directed staff through a sports ramp notice of motion to talk to Calgarians about their opinions on skateboard/sports ramps on private residential properties. Project outreach and communications have been promoted to the public through a number of media sources, newsletters and face-to-face opportunities. We now have engagement summaries and information updates available at We’ve also added independent representative telephone survey results completed by Harris Decima. This survey reached a representative demographic of all Calgarians and has a ±4.4 percent margin of error at a 95 percent confidence level. An executive summary is available in the report and you can also refer to a high level summary of this representative telephone survey. On June 1, 2016, skateboard/sports ramps were discussed and recommendations were approved at the Standing Policy Committee meeting on Community and Protective Services. From here, Council will consider the proposed amendments to the Community Standards Bylaw (noise) in Attachment 1 of the report and the proposed Land Use Bylaw regulations as set out in Attachment 2. Once directed by Council, Land Use Bylaw amendments will be presented to the Calgary Planning Commission on September 22 and then tentatively to City Council for a public hearing on November 7. Links to the report and attachments follow: Cover Report CPS2016-0229 -Details on the sport ramp proposal Attachment 1 -Proposed amendments to the Community Standards Bylaw (noise) Attachment 2 -Proposed Land Use Bylaw regulations Attachment 3– Summary of Public Engagement Attachment 4 – Letter of support 2016 June Preliminary Land Use Bylaw Wording – Sports ramps on private residential properties – for discussion purposes. Action Item: We would like your feedback on the Land Use Bylaw wording to implement into Attachment 2. A meeting for this discussion has been scheduled for June 22, 2016 from 5 to 7pm at City Hall. If you would like to attend, please email Loretta Sequeira and include your contact information. Once you have emailed Loretta, directions and information on the meeting room will be forwarded to you in a meeting notice. Questions about sport ramps? Visit our sports ramps Notice of Motion page, sports ramps engagement page, or contact 311.
Loretta Sequeira
Planning Strategy
Calgary Growth Strategies
Planning & Development
The City of Calgary | Mail Code #8117
P.O. Box 2100, Station M, Calgary, AB, T2P 2M5
T 403.268.2249 | F 403.268.3542 |
ISC: Protected
Haysboro Community Association
1204 89th Avenue SW. Calgary, AB. T2V 0W4.