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On Monday, July 25th, 2016, I brought forward a Motion Arising to direct administration to begin work on design and subsequent construction of a pedestrian overpass across 14th Street at 90th Avenue SW, with the goal of having it completed for the opening of the full SW Transitway BRT. Council approved my motion.
The overpass will make it easier for residents in Haysboro to safely access services at Glenmore Landing, the Calgary Jewish Community Centre, and the planned SW BRT station. Pedestrians currently need to cross six lanes of traffic which poses difficulties for seniors and children. This overpass will increase connectivity between communities and amenities, promote walking and cycling, and increase safety.
This pedestrian connectivity is something residents have raised consistently, and something we’ve been talking about for while. While the City will be doing a lot of work in the area, we can take advantage of the construction that will be going on and integrate it into the SWBRT. Coordinating these projects in conjunction with each other saves tax payer dollars and construction headaches.
The exact cost of the overpass still needs to be determined. Administration will report back to Council in the fall with an estimated cost and funding mechanism. Generally, pedestrian overpasses cost $6 million.
Haysboro Community Association
1204 89th Avenue SW. Calgary, AB. T2V 0W4.